Author: Luisa Perkins
•9:31 AM

Patrick probably thinks so. Poor thing; it's difficult to imagine why he puts up with me and my crazy ideas. My latest is a little experiment with a CaféPress storefront.

I always love wearing a T-shirt or carrying tote bag with a pithy saying or unique image. I don't always find what I want, so I decided to create my own. I thought some of you might enjoy the same thing. After that, I contemplated how expensive college times five is going to be, and the rest is history.

So visit my store, if you're so inclined! The link is right there on the sidebar. I'll add new things as I come up with ideas I think are worthwhile; check back once in a while to see what I'm up to.
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On 9/6/07 , Anonymous said...

can I quit my job yet?

On 9/6/07 , Jenna said...

what the heck? How did you do this? I'm super-duper confused.

On 9/6/07 , NH Knitting Mama said...

Cute stuff.

On 9/6/07 , Bill C said...

I wonder, would anyone "get" a shirt that said Let's Make Feiends or something similar? I'm thinking no.

On 10/6/07 , Anonymous said...

Just how many projects can one person handle? You amaze me, my friend. Now stop playing on the computer and get back to writing ZF-360!

On 11/6/07 , Luisa Perkins said...

P--Good one, honey.

RaJ--I think your site and all its quirks and turns of phrase--the monkeys, the feiends, the spork--are all highly marketable. You should definitely go for it.

Kara--I'm working on it, I promise!

On 11/6/07 , Anonymous said...

Fun -- I have a few Grammar Fascista friends. I suppose I could wear the t-shirt with irony, being a Grammar Outlaw myself.

On 11/6/07 , Christie said...

How fun! I'll definitely check it out...good luck with the new venture!