Author: Luisa Perkins
•5:11 PM
"No one is able to enjoy such feast as the one who throws a party in his own mind."--Selma Lagerlöf

Nearly 100 years ago, Swedish writer Selma Lagerlöf was the first woman to win a Nobel Prize for Literature; her birthday is next week. The above quote of hers perfectly describes the reason why I continue to write despite such distractions as a romantic husband, six adventurous children, a busy church life, and several absorbing hobbies. The party in my mind keeps pulling me back. Here's what's happening in my writing life lately.

According to, my cookbook Comfortably Yum will be ready to order in 6-8 weeks. After I completed the manuscript, I was disappointed to find that it wouldn't be available more quickly--i.e. in time for Christmas--but I'll let you know the minute it comes out.

I'm waiting to hear from a couple of different magazines regarding short stories I've submitted to them. Submitting short stories to magazines is much less painful than submitting novels to publishing houses; my theory is that I'm less invested in short stories because they take so much less time and energy to write. I've successfully weathered many rejections in the past several months. So cross your fingers for this latest round! I would be so thrilled to be published by Strange Horizons, for example.

After the holidays, I'll probably dust off my fantasy novels The Holly Place and ZF-360 and try submitting them to agents again. I am thinking about re-titling both of them.

I got a card from a woman who recently read Shannon's Mirror and loved it. Fan correspondence is pure gold; I keep a file of things like this to pull out and review when I'm feeling discouraged and talentless.

I've started a new novel called Thrice Liam. It's the story of a grieving young widow who gradually becomes convinced that her new neighbor is actually her husband. Ghost story or portrait of a psychological breakdown? You'll have to read and see....

Last and almost as exciting as starting a new novel--I got accepted to Dave Farland's annual Professional Novel Writing Workshop, to be held next April in Saint George, Utah. Dave Farland, who also writes under his real name, David Wolverton, is a hugely successful writer. Apparently he's a terrific teacher as well; past workshop students of his include Brandon Sanderson and Jessica Day George. I am really looking forward to five days of fabulous instruction and growth next spring.

Obviously, one area of writing upon which I am not concentrating is ye olde blog. I only have so many WEUs at any given time, so be patient with me and keep coming back to visit.

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On 13/11/08 , Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

You're more than worth waiting for, luv. Whether it be a blog post, or your mouth watering cook book, or your soon to be accepted and published works in progress.

We just can't get enough of you, you know.

On 13/11/08 , Annette Lyon said...

Cool workshop! But waaaah--that almost assuredly means you won't be back to Utah two weeks later for another conference. :(

If you do come through UV and don't say hi on your way to St. George, it would be a travesty. I owe you lunch and an ice cream sundae--and I need a certain book autographed!

On 13/11/08 , Josi said...

I've heard great things about Dave's workshop, definitely a great opportunity. Like Annette, I'm sad you won't be able to make it to the LDStorymakers one. I'm dang impressed you have kept one foot solidly in your writing amid all the other things going on--hats off to you, girl. Party on!

On 13/11/08 , Heidi said...

How great that you have a published book, though! I love your blog design--just love it! I have a sister who shares your birthday, same year and everything. she also has six kids. (like it matters.)

On 14/11/08 , Julie Wright said...

I love this whole post from the Swedish author to the party in your mind. i'm glad the party keeps pulling you back and even if you ignore the blog, it will be fun to see all the things you will create in its stead.

On 14/11/08 , Anonymous said...

Here I was thinking your cookbook was the only thing I needed to anticipate. Thrice Liam sounds very, very cool!!

Keep up your hard (talent-filled) work. Please!

On 14/11/08 , Virtualsprite said...

I love that quote! And how exciting about the workshop and all the stories! it sounds like things are good and we'll wait for you here.

On 16/11/08 , Anonymous said...

I adore Selma Lagerlöf. I had never read anything of hers until I was studying Swedish when we lived in Sweden. She was a very powerful writer. I wonder how translated books fare. I guess I'll have to see about that.

I'm looking forward to your cookbook although I am disappointed it isn't coming out sooner.

Congratulations for getting accepted to the workshop. That's terrific!

On 18/11/08 , Shauna said...

Hey so glad I found your blog :)

On 18/11/08 , Anonymous said...

So great hearing about your writing! I have missed that! I must say that Thrice Liam sounds so intriguing--although your preoccupation with Stephen King scares me. I don't want bad dreams! Keep at the writing--you are too talented to not get published multiple times! I got tired of the "no response" and took a break. Now I have a short kids stort--best I've ever come close to writing--sitting next to me and don't want to send it out...

On 18/11/08 , Anonymous said...

Oh, and I WILL buy that cookbook!