Author: Luisa Perkins
•10:42 AM
If you've hung around Planet Blog for very long, you've doubtless encountered folks discussing NaNoWriMo and NaBloPoMo, which stand for National Novel Writing Month and National Blog Posting Month respectively. The first requires that the participant write a 50,000-word novel in the month of November, while the second requires that one post to one's blog every day in the month of November. Both are rewarded with special blog badges, a sense of accomplishment, and the approbation of peers from around the globe.

I 'did' NaBloPoMo in 2007 and had a blast, but it was exhausting trying to post every single dang day, especially since November is by far my busiest month of the year. I tried to do NaNoWriMo at the same time, but failed pretty spectacularly early on. No matter; I have my own schedule, and I'm cool with that. I think I may do my own version of NaNo in February or March, since those months are relatively uneventful at the Perkins Corral, and I haven't written 50,000 words in one month in a very long time.

I have a few close friends who are having huge success with NaNo this year, and I couldn't be more thrilled for them. To go from aspiring writer to writer-with-a-completed-first-draft in a mere thirty days is a Herculean feat worthy of much celebration. The consistency and momentum that is built with such an event is a fitting reward for the dedication and sacrifice required.

I don't know whether there is a term for words coined by putting the first parts of each word in a title together, as with NaNo and NaBlo, so I'm dubbing them 'fake-ronyms.' This morning, while rocking Anne-the-Fussy-Teether, I thought about creating my own November events and the fake-ronyms to go with them. I could easily earn shiny badges in the following:

CleCaBaDoCo: Cleaning Cat Barf out of Down Comforters Requirements include a neurotic feline, several bed coverings marked 'Dry Clean Only,' a washing machine with a capacious and forgiving lint screen, and a sense of adventure/desperation.

GeHiRuPriShaTi: Getting Hip to Running Primary Sharing Time I've taught Primary twice and served as chorister for a year once long ago, but I have far less experience in the auxiliary than most active LDS women my age. Last week, I got called into our ward's Primary Presidency, so I am surfing Teh Web like a crazy woman, trying to get up to speed.

FaPlaCaCa: Failing at Place Card Calligraphy Yes, we're hosting Thanksgiving again this year. With 20 eaters, the tables will be full and the fun will be plentiful. Every year I aspire to elegant table settings, and every year I settle instead for large quantities of tasty food. Will this be the year my spread looks like Martha's? Doubtful, but one can dream.

SleeDeTeeTo: Sleep Deprivation with Teething Toddlers and EnTaPre: Enduring Tattling Pre-Schoolers Ahh, the fantastic tag team my two youngest children are. Anne stopped sleeping through the night back around my birthday, and every night since then has been a bit dicey. My nights go like this: two or three solid hours of sleep, followed by four or five hours on the couch or in the rocking chair with a restless baby.

My days are dominated by Daniel, who is training for a future position in the CIA by spying on his siblings and reporting their behavior to me in the most annoying self-righteous tones possible. Alternatively, he tattles on me to me: "Mom! The bathroom is a mess. Mom! Anne is all alone in her bouncy seat! How could you leave her? Mom!" Fortunately, KiBaTiSheGi: Kissing Baby Till She Giggles and ReSeuMiTi: Reading Seuss for the Millionth Time go a long way towards mitigating the effects of these first two.

IgGraRooGroFee: Ignoring Gray Roots and Gross Feet Is there any way I can color my hair and get a pedicure before Thursday? Must. Fit. Into. Schedule. Somehow.

NaDaChoTum: National Daily Chocolate-in-the-Tummy I win, I win!
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On 24/11/08 , Anonymous said...

You, my dear, are hilarious.

Send chocolate my way kthxbai

On 24/11/08 , Brillig said...

OH. Mygosh. You are absolutely brilliant-- and hilarious.

We do a lot of ReSeuMiTi at our house. And I have two toddlers who bring EnTaPre into my life in full force. Hahaha.

So, yes, we will definitely be celebrating NaDoChoTum. Everyday. Day. I've set a goal, you see, and I can't let myself down. NaDoChoTum is a life-long commitment.

On 24/11/08 , Elizabeth said...

Thank goodness for chocolate to smooth the way of things.

On 24/11/08 , Annette Lyon said...

I doubt I'll ever manage NaNo or NaBlo, but hey--now I can be proud of accomplishing NaDaChoTum. We just need a badge . . .

(Hope you get back to sleeping all night again soon!)

On 24/11/08 , Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

I'm going to start talking like this just to see how long it takes Neil to freak out.

You're such a hoot! Thanks for the giggles!

On 24/11/08 , Heidi said...

The chocolate thing--hey, I'm the winner. I can mail proof.

On 24/11/08 , Virtualsprite said...

This is too funny! And challenges I can accomplish! Finally!

On 24/11/08 , Jen said...

This absolutely cracked me up. I really, really needed a good laugh today - thank you!

I'm sorry I haven't been around much - things are a bit crazed in this neck of the woods.

On 24/11/08 , Anonymous said...

Giggling here. I want to play KiBaTiSheGi. I used to love that with the babies.

On 24/11/08 , Lauren said...

Haha. Oh my goodness. You know, when I first saw those (NaBloPoMo) I thought it would be a good idea to come up with my own but I never did. Like, SpHoHoOnHoDa: Spend Hours and Hours On Homework Daily or RuOuThDoDa: Run Out the Door Day (every day) where you never get to sit down and you're always running. Ahhhhh, well I'm glad you wrote some of your best down.
I like them a lot.

On 25/11/08 , painted maypole said...

love these! I think the only one I will participate in, though, is the last one, although if I had a baby would add the previous 2 as well.

On 26/11/08 , SydneyMin said...

This was an adorable post! Super clever. I wish it hadn't taken me all day to actually get to read it! Good luck with GeHiRuPriShaTi! I feel your pain :) Just go with the flow. The kids never notice the mistakes that seem so glaring to you when you're presenting. You'll do great!

On 26/11/08 , Bill C said...

Wanna sign up for NaDaChoTum. Is there a "ning" for it yet?

On 27/11/08 , Goofball said...

oh Luisa, you are so creative and so funny. What a great idea to come up with your own acronyms. They are absolutely fantastic.

On 27/11/08 , Jenna said...

You're a hoot! Love these! And you will be a champ in Primary, just like everywhere else. The kids will all be coming home with big words and proper grammar built into their budding testimonies. :)

On 30/11/08 , Julie Wright said...

HAHAHAHAAAAAA! You are hilarious! Brilliant! This is brilliant! I'm glad it's you in primary and not me. I am so terrified of being in the same room as my children as they say things I cringe at out loud to people in my ward.