Author: Luisa Perkins
•4:21 PM
1) Yesterday I spent an hour re-teaching myself trigonometry so that I could help Christian study for a quiz on sines, cosines, and tangents. I used to be good at math, but it's been a solid 25 years since I did any problems like these. It paid off; he did very well today.

2) Bucky is home at long last! My cherished prize for winning Radioactive Jam's Haiku Contest (perhaps you remember) has languished at the framers lo, these many months; I finally went and retrieved it today.

3) Last, but most exciting: The Writing Game results are up! If you'd like to read a short story I wrote this week called "Truck Stop," as well as a lot of other fine tales, follow the happy link . I'd love to know what you think.

the writing game

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On 31/1/08 , Anonymous said...

Well, I said this on the Writing Game page and I'll say it here: I LOVED your story. I actually got chills. :D

On 31/1/08 , painted maypole said...

oy. i need to sit with a good cup of tea and read all those stories!

On 31/1/08 , Bill C said...

Bet there are more than a few heavy duty trucks at that stop...

And a fine choice on the spork frameage. Looks great!

On 31/1/08 , Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

I get to read your story as soon as my chores are done. =P Wheeee! Can't wait!

On 31/1/08 , Jenna said...

I commented at The Writing Game, but just had to give you a few more kudos here. You are incredible.

On 31/1/08 , Anonymous said...

I went, I read, I liked. Glad you got your picture back from the framers.

On 1/2/08 , Unknown said...

Wahoo for you, Luisa! You're the writer woman!

On 1/2/08 , Annette Lyon said...

I'm so dreading the day when my Daniel is that old. And it's maybe a year away. Don't want to reteach myself those things.

I DO remember he haiku contest! Welcome home, Bucky!

And I'm going to jaunt over to the story now . . .

On 1/2/08 , Annette Lyon said...

GREAT story. Left a comment there on specifics. Let's just say your new middle name is Alfred.

I love the way your twisted mind works.

On 1/2/08 , Anonymous said...

impressive scribblin' ....

On 2/2/08 , Anonymous said...

Sometimes the kids are amazed that I can do their math problems. I liked math in high school and now that I work at an engineering firm, I use a bit of it every once in a while :-)

On 3/2/08 , Christie said...

Luisa! I'll have to come back to actually catch up on your posts, but I had to go ahead and comment as soon as I saw your news...congratulations on the new baby! The ironic thing is my disappearance was pretty much caused by the summer insanity and then...ta da...pregnancy exhaustion! I'm at almost 23 weeks at this point and finally getting some zip-a-dee-do-dah back (and this one is a girl! :))...anyway. I do hope to be back soon to catch up on the world of novembrance...again, congratulations.

On 4/2/08 , Sai Hijara - Ferraris said...

Hi there! Just got back..with a mystifying and horrifying migraine...I would like to apologize for the delay in posting of the story I wrote based on your story line..but I'm posting it later...

Love your story btw...