We've been hearing about the snow storms out east. We have been having wonderful weather for a while now. We had snow the other day but with highs of +6˚C, it doesn't last that long. We still have a lot of snow to be melted at our place but if this weather keeps up, we could be in for a fine spring. Hope you enjoy the snow while it lasts. It certainly brings out the spring when in melts.
oh, fun!
All wearing gorgeous hats and scarves, I see. They are getting so big!
Oh the fun! Such lovely moments to be had in the snow...but I'm still yearning for Spring!
And we're having a snow day today! Fit in the snow, indeed!
wow - snow. i think it is about 75 degrees here in the southland.
Some of the greatest adventures can be had in the snow! Glad your kids got to enjoy it. And you too.
cute photo. Were they making snow angels?
That looks like so much fun!
Aw, they look so happy - what a great pic!
Clearly they're getting down to business in the snow. And as everyone knows, there's no business like snow business.
We've been hearing about the snow storms out east. We have been having wonderful weather for a while now. We had snow the other day but with highs of +6˚C, it doesn't last that long. We still have a lot of snow to be melted at our place but if this weather keeps up, we could be in for a fine spring. Hope you enjoy the snow while it lasts. It certainly brings out the spring when in melts.
Looks like a great time. I remember frolicking in the snow as a kid. It is too bad we kind of grow out of it.
Yes, yes we do.