Author: Luisa Perkins
•3:04 PM
You know how it is when one of your favorite fantasy writers puts out a new volume of his epic series?

And then you sit down and try to make it last, only to find the pull of the story too delicious to put it down for anything but the most essential household tasks?

And the laundry piles up and the weeds grow while you sit blissfully immersed in Briony and Barrick's perilous adventures?

And no one appreciates what a good person you are when you selflessly give up a whole Sunday afternoon's worth of reading to cook and serve dinner and a homemade chocolate cream pie to(admittedly wonderful) guests?

And you wonder why you are devouring this book, since it will be at least a full year before the next installment is published, and this volume is doubtless going to leave you hanging off one cliff for each and every of the several plot lines?

Yet you cannot stop?

You know how it is?


Okay, never mind.
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On 16/7/07 , Anonymous said...

Well, truthfully I don't know exactly what you mean, but I have a tendency to wait until all the books in a series are published before I read the first one, as I can't stand to wait to start the next one. I have a series to read to the kids, that I started buying a couple years ago there is one more coming out. I have not read it to them for that reason. It is the start-finish in me. I am the same way with TV. If I can't watch the whole thing I won't watch any of it.

On 16/7/07 , Jenna said...

I know how it is, for sure! Although not your favorite fantasy writer's work, I went through this scenario for each of the nine Work and the Glory's, and the five Children of the Promise's.

On 16/7/07 , Brandie said...

Oh yeah, I know how that feels. I really really do. And my dh knows how it feels to look around the house when I can't put the book down! And he doesn't understand how I can read with all the chaos around me. LOL!

On 16/7/07 , PEZmama said...

I hate when that happens....

On 16/7/07 , NH Knitting Mama said...

ha ha... not fantasy for me, but anything by Anna Quindalen does that for me.

On 16/7/07 , Anonymous said...

Oh, that is such a bittersweet thing, the new book by a beloved author. I love it, I wanna know it all, I want it to last longer, I can't believe it's over, I can't wait a whole 'nother YEAR! What's going to happen to me when Harry Potter the VII comes out? Huh? What am I gonna do when I turn that last page and know all there is to know...?

OH, JK. Don't let this be the last!!!!!!!!!

PS Whacha readin'?

On 16/7/07 , Annette Lyon said...

This is beautiful--and something I can so relate to! I may have to pick up some Tad Williams now. Never read him before.

On 16/7/07 , Anonymous said...

I honestly do wish I knew how it was. Me and books....not my favourite thing. Oh sure...I've read some in the past. Most of mine are technical books, not story books. And now I have been writing manuals for our department in an engineering firm. But from experience, nobody reads them either :-)

On 17/7/07 , Bill C said...

My favorite Tad Williams "thing" is a line from the overleaf of War of the Flowers, something to the effect of "complete in one volume!"

Seriously, how many authors get to make a big deal out of that?

On 17/7/07 , Christie said...

The good thing about dropping off the internet radar for a while is coming back to catch up with your favorite blogs...I'm so glad you're making lots of progress with the book and that things are wonderful in general...and that you have a can't-stop-reading series right now. There are not many better things in the world. :) I finally! finished! my draft, so I should be around a little more often...congrats on the recent blogging awards!

On 17/7/07 , Sketchy said...

Oooh I know EXACTLY how that is! Tad Williams is an awesome author!

On 18/7/07 , Tristi Pinkston said...

I do know -- I know very very well.

On 23/7/07 , Luisa Perkins said...

It's great to be understood!

Christy--SO glad you've resurfaced! Congratulations on finishing the draft of your novel.