Author: Luisa Perkins
•9:21 PM
Okay, so I'm late to the party. Back in February, Charrette blogged about a cool project her husband was doing with his New Media class at BYU. I was slammed with deadlines, but kept promising myself I'd check it out.

I finally got to it, and it was so worth it. My big boys and I snuggled up with the laptop tonight and watched all eleven webisodes--that's all there are so far--of the new webcast series The Book of Jer3miah. It sounds like a marathon, but it wasn't; each webisode is only about five minutes long.

I'm always up for a good conspiracy theory, and Jer3miah does not disappoint. It's alternately sad, suspenseful, creepy, and funny (hint: I love the elven-dressed, RPG-playing next-door neighbor and his secret-combination-obsessed roommate). After the first three episodes, it stops going "all Cloverfield" (as Christian put it) with the handheld camera and settles down into some pretty cool cinematography.

If you find yourself wanting more (and each webisode manages to leave its audience hanging over a cliff), there are two ancillary websites offering extra clues to the mysteries surrounding Jeremiah Whitney and his fate. The Davenport Papers looks like a social networking site, and is the reporting outlet set up by one of Jer3miah's characters.

Go watch it! You can get caught up in inside of an hour--less time than it takes to watch an episode of Lost or 24. You can bet the boys and I will be tuning in every Friday from now on.

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On 5/4/09 , Heidi said...

Thanks for the reminder! I totally have been meaning to tune in (and forgetting as per the uz)

On 6/4/09 , Jeff Parkin said...

Charrette (my wife...) forwarded me your blog entry. I'm so glad you and your boys liked the show.

Thanks for the plug! Since the season ends with a way cool cliff hanger that sets up a second season, we need as many viewers as possible to justify another class, and this helps lots! Thanks.


PS Charrette thinks you're great.

On 6/4/09 , Jen said...

This looks like such fun! C and I will definitely have to check it out. We're both having a "snow day" today (can you BELIEVE it????) so this might be a perfect distraction.

On 6/4/09 , charrette said...

Luisa, this is an excellent review of the project (all partiality aside) and I'm so glad you and your boys are enjoying it! We showed all 11 episodes back to back to our daughter and her friends over the weekend to raves all around.

Thanks for the great PR for the show!(By the way, I told Jeff you are over-the-top, off-the-charts brilliant and I totally respect your opinion, just for the record. I don't like being misquoted.) :)

On 6/4/09 , Brillig said...

I'm actually sorta HOPING for yet another snow day so I can catch up! I was all up in it for the first few episodes, but then life sorta happened (as it sorta does) and i haven't gotten back to it. I simply must! Thanks for the reminder.

On 8/4/09 , Goofball said...

well the trailer sure looks very intriguing!

On 10/4/09 , Julie Wright said...

I am so going to do this when I am stuck in the store working on saturday