Author: Luisa Perkins
•8:31 PM

My kids are awesome. Their long-distance friend Gary has his birthday today, so they wrote him a song. We'll record the final version on Friday, but they rehearsed hard all afternoon, and they wanted the G-man to know that they were thinking of him on his special day. So, here's Teh Posse singing "The G-man Blues." Christian's on guitar, Tess is on shaker egg, and Hope and James share lead vocals, with Anne as Official Muse. (Daniel was taking an OSHA break from air guitar when I took these photos.)

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On 19/11/08 , Julie Wright said...

That is so dang cute! What cool and creative kids!

On 19/11/08 , Heidi said...

I love this! But it makes me sad because it is one of those sweet domestic moments of which we will never have at our house. For one, I only have three kids very spread apart in age. For two, they won't all abide in the same room together for more than five minutes. Very sad.

On 22/11/08 , Jenna said...

That looks like so much fun! You DO have amazing kids!

On 23/11/08 , Mary said...

One could thing James and Hope are twins.

On 25/11/08 , painted maypole said...

is Anne singing lead or back up?

On 27/11/08 , Goofball said...

that's a great idea for a gift!