Author: Luisa Perkins
•8:20 AM

Yes, it's the answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything. It also happens to be my age as of today. It's a special day for more than one reason.

It's not the first time that Election Day in the U.S. has fallen on my birthday in my lifetime; I turned 18 on November 4, 1984, and got to vote in my first presidential election that day. It, too, was a historic race; it was the first time a woman had been nominated as a vice-presidential candidate. I remember my grandmother marveling at that, since she could recall the time when women did not have the right to vote in this country.

Unfortunately, my candidate, Walter Mondale, did not win that year; I'm hoping America comes through with a better gift for me this time around.

The other day, Hope was anxious that I might be feeling old. She told me that I could just say that I'm 21 from now on. I told her I wouldn't be 21 again for anything. I have a wonderful life, and it has only gotten better as I've aged. I have no reason to believe this trend won't continue!

If you are a U.S. citizen and wondering what to get me for my birthday, get out and vote today, no matter how long the lines are, and no matter who your candidate is. If you're not a U.S. citizen, well...there's always chocolate.
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On 4/11/08 , Annette Lyon said...

Happiest of birthdays, Luisa! I was able to early vote a week ago. So, done and done!

On 4/11/08 , Anonymous said...

I guess I got you a gift, after all! Hope your birthday is wonderful.

On 4/11/08 , Anonymous said...

gee, i had no idea that standing in line at the municipal center to cast my absentee ballot would be your birthday gift! have a beautiful day. we're off to nepal for three weeks - check bitey for updates thanksgiving week.

On 4/11/08 , Anonymous said...

Happy birthday! I hope you have a wonderful day :)

On 4/11/08 , Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

Happy Birthday, sweetling! I can't give you a vote - but will my unswerving devotion do?

On 4/11/08 , SydneyMin said...

Happy Birthday, Luisa! Voted earlier this morning with only 1 person in line in front of me - my husband - and he should have let me go first!

On 4/11/08 , Caroline C. Bingham said...

happy birthday!

On 4/11/08 , Syar said...

Happy birthday, Luisa!

On 4/11/08 , Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday!

42 just so happens to be my favorite number. :)

On 4/11/08 , Bill C said...

Happy chocolate-- I mean, birthday!

On 5/11/08 , Anonymous said...

Happy birthday. I guess virtual chocolate is coming your way. I bought a bunch of it today, and as I enjoy it, I will think of you. Wait, somehow I messed up the instructions...hmmm...oh well, hope you had a great day.

On 5/11/08 , Josi said...

Happy Birthday. I now and then think about an age I'd like to go back to--and I can't think of a single one. I like the person I am right now so much better than any of the women I used to be--thanks for the reminder.

On 5/11/08 , Julie Wright said...

You're the perfect number today!!! I've always hoped that the forty second year of my life would be filled with delightful adventure. We'll see when I get there, but Happy Birthday!!!!! And I wish you a year of delightful adventure!

On 6/11/08 , Goofball said...

"well there's always chocolate"...haha you are so funny. first of all congratulations with your 42nd birthday.
I am a decade behind you, but even I would not want to return to the age of the early twenties. Nope, it's much better now :)

On 6/11/08 , Jen said...

I'm so sorry I missed this! Happy, Happy Birthday (and I'm guessing it was a good one)!

Did you know you share a b'day with Anno?

On 7/11/08 , painted maypole said...

Happy Birthday! HOPE you like your present! ;)(and yes, I waited in line to vote, too)

On 10/11/08 , Tristi Pinkston said...

Happy birthday, a week late, but happy nonetheless!

On 10/11/08 , Millie said...

Very happy birthday last week! :) My grandfather was born on Election Day, too.

On 10/11/08 , Anonymous said...

Okay, I did vote which is big for me. I also did chocolate. My candidate did win...was that what you wanted?

On 10/11/08 , Luisa Perkins said...

Yes, rjlight! I got exactly what I wanted! It's the gift that keeps on giving.

On 11/11/08 , Virtualsprite said...

A very belated happy birthday to you! I'm glad you got what you wanted. I'm excited, too!

On 17/11/08 , Anonymous said...

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